Last week I hosted my 11th Annual TOFURKY THANKSGIVING DINNER PARTY with the help of my mom & sis. 85% of the buffet was meat-free, dairy-free, & white sugar-free, (yet still flavor-FULL) including the Tofurky roast, yams, mac & cheese, collard greens, and stuffing. Its so simple to "veganize" your favorite holiday recipes and stay healthy during the so-called flu season. If you'd like any of my vegan Thanksgiving recipes, shoot me an email, and I'll hook you up!
A Yummy Vegan Cheese for Thanksgiving
![]() Thanksgiving is my VERY favorite holiday because all my loved ones are home from school or work and we get to spend quality time together pigging out. Unfortunately, all the over-eating can lead to unwanted pounds and possibly the flu. (Hence, the "flu season" right after the holidays.) Well substituting vegan ingredients in a few of your favorite holiday dishes can help you stay healthy during this time of year. For example, DAIYA Cheese is a fantastic dairy-free, soy-free, gluten-free cheese that melts better than most fake cheeses, and tastes great! It's really melty so I like to mix it with other veggie cheeses, like FOLLOW YOUR HEART or TRADER JOES soy blend. Try em in your mac n cheese, string bean casserole, grilled cheese sandwich, enchiladas, nachos, etc. You'll be happy you did!…and so will your abs. Thanksgiving is this week, and as you know, I don't eat turkey. And after years of going to other people's gatherings and being offered a plate of iceberg lettuce for dinner, I decided I'd better cook my own grub. So in 2005, I started hosting an annual vegan Thanksgiving buffet at my house, to which hippies and meat-eaters show up and enjoy!
An easy way to "veganize" YOUR favorite holiday dish is to simply substitute all the meat and dairy ingredients for alternatives like soy meat, vanilla almond milk, and Daiya cheese. Try it. It's a delicious way to stay in shape during the holidays! (pictured above: my smothered Tofurky with mixed potatoes, BBQ chik-un, maple candied yams, vegan mac&cheese, stir fried collard greens, and warm dinner rolls) |
Author"EAT CLEAN WITH TANJAREEN" Twitter: @tanjareenArchives
February 2016
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