WTF took Ben & Jerry's so long???
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Ben & Jerry's has just changed the mutha fuggin game! After 2 years of recipe testing, they're releasing their 1st dairy-free ice cream later this month! With all the other vegan frozen dairy companies out there, I'm surprised B&J's didn't do this 5-10 years ago! But, I'm certainly not complaining. I'm excited! The 4 vegan flavors set to debut are: Chocolate Fudge Brownie, Chunky Monkey, Coffee Caramel Fudge, and P.B. & Cookies. Yippee!! Let's give 'em each a try and figure out our faves...Thank me later : )
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Last week I hosted my 11th Annual TOFURKY THANKSGIVING DINNER PARTY with the help of my mom & sis. 85% of the buffet was meat-free, dairy-free, & white sugar-free, (yet still flavor-FULL) including the Tofurky roast, yams, mac & cheese, collard greens, and stuffing. Its so simple to "veganize" your favorite holiday recipes and stay healthy during the so-called flu season. If you'd like any of my vegan Thanksgiving recipes, shoot me an email, and I'll hook you up!
Bacon with a side of Cancer
Sorry guys. But since yesterday, there's been a new study all over the news that proves bacon causes cancer. In fact, bacon, ham, hot dogs, and lunch meats have the same cancer risk as cigarettes or asbestos! Red meat is on the list too. Remember, "If we continue to kill the animals, the animals will eventually kill us."
Clean out your guts and go raw
The Vegana Monologs
Byron Allen has a new podcast network called PODCAST PLANET and my good friend Erin O'Connor invited me to be a guest on her show THE VEGANA MONOLOGS ( We gave fun tips on how to eat vegan vegetarian food that actually tastes great! "Delici-osity" as Erin calls it. And I was renamed "The Vegana Vixen!" To give it a listen, Click here: Vegana Monologs podcast with Tanjareen
Reeny's Raw Tacos Shells
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A Yummy Vegan Cheese for Thanksgiving
![]() Thanksgiving is my VERY favorite holiday because all my loved ones are home from school or work and we get to spend quality time together pigging out. Unfortunately, all the over-eating can lead to unwanted pounds and possibly the flu. (Hence, the "flu season" right after the holidays.) Well substituting vegan ingredients in a few of your favorite holiday dishes can help you stay healthy during this time of year. For example, DAIYA Cheese is a fantastic dairy-free, soy-free, gluten-free cheese that melts better than most fake cheeses, and tastes great! It's really melty so I like to mix it with other veggie cheeses, like FOLLOW YOUR HEART or TRADER JOES soy blend. Try em in your mac n cheese, string bean casserole, grilled cheese sandwich, enchiladas, nachos, etc. You'll be happy you did!…and so will your abs. WTH is Herbal Coffee???
![]() COFFEE DRINKERS REJOICE!!! Thanks to comedienne Meshelle (IndieMomOfComedy), I've discovered an herbal tea that tastes just like coffee!!! With flavors like Vanilla Nut, Hazel Nut, French Roast, or Chocolate; Teeccino is mostly organic and super delicious! Grab a box at Whole Foods or your local heath food store and enjoy this smooth taste without the chemicals, caffeine, and acidity of coffee. It pairs perfectly with a splash of So Delicious Coconut Milk Dairy-Free Creamer (in French Vanilla or Hazel Nut). Yumm! You'll thank me later. Healthy Fast Food
![]() EATING HEALTHY ON THE GO We all have great intentions on eating healthier this year, but as soon as we leave the house (or go outta town), we’re tempted to eat the first discounted McCrappy-King combo meal we see. Here are 4 tips to eating healthy on the go… 1) Bring food with you (in your purse, glove compartment, canvas bag, or luggage.) • Stock up on HEALTH BARS, (without white sugar or corn syrup added). I like peanut butter chocolate chip Lara Bars, Kind Bars, Greens + Chocolate bars, and Organic Food Bars. • Pack fresh whole FRUIT or dried fruit (without added white sugar). They both travel well. Or quickly blend a fruit smoothie (without yogurt) and pour it in your travel coffee mug. Or chop up various fruit to make a delicious fruit salad. Trust me; when you pull the salad out later, everyone will be asking where you bought it. • Put your... Stop Sucking Tits!
![]() Cow tits that is... HOW TO BE DAIRY FREE Been thinking about becoming a vegan, but you just can't imagine giving up cheese? Yeah. I felt the same way years ago. But after studying all the dis-eases that can be prevented from eliminating animal mucus from my diet, I was determined to give non-dairy items a chance. Afterall, cow milk is for baby cows! Yup; just like human breast milk is for human babies (and for kinky husbands...but I digress). A lot of you have asked me how to substitute animal secretions (Oops, I mean dairy products), for non-dairy alternatives. There are a lot of options out there and I've sampled almost all of them over the years. Here's a list of some of my faves. If I'm missing any good ones please let me know... ("read more" over there) -------------->>> Kill Whitey!!!!
Wanna lose weight but you’re too lazy to work-out ? The easiest solution is to KILL WHITEY! No, not white PEOPLE. (I love them. They’re the homies.) I mean eliminate white foods from your diet. Say no to white salt, white sugar, white potatoes, white bread, white pasta, & white rice. The really nutritious foods in the Kingdom are colorful. Most white foods have been processed, bleached, & do not digest well in our system. (Hence, the muffin top.) For maximum health & digestion, try to eat vegetables from every single color of the rainbow each week. And when you get the urge to have some white starch or bleached chemical seasoning, consider these alternatives. • WHITE SALT -> coarse sea salt, pink salt, or black salt (FYI Lawry’s Seasoned Salt is not ur friend) • WHITE SUGAR -> real grade B maple syrup, agave nectar, raw honey (is not vegan though), or at the very least, organic cane sugar • WHITE POTATOES -> red potatoes, sweet potatoes, purple/blue potatoes (pictured below), or squash • WHITE BREAD -> whole multi-grain bread (not fake wheat-colored bread), whole wheat sprouted bread, fermented sourdough bread, gluten-free grain bread, or chapati • WHITE PASTA ->spiraled zucchini, spiraled squash, kamut pasta, quinoa pasta, brown rice pasta, or whole grain pasta • WHITE RICE -> jasmine rice, brown rice, black rice, quinoa, or cous cous ‘Kill whitey’ for 2 weeks & watch the inches from your waste fade away!
You’re welcome, :-) Tanjareen “Too Vain To Gain” No Meat? Well What DO You Eat???
![]() Whenever I tell someone I’m a vegan vegetarian they respond with, “OK, but you eat chicken, right?” No, I reply. I don’t eat animal products. I’m a vegetarian. They say “Oh, but you eat fish at least, right?” NO! I’m a vegetarian. I eat VEGE-tation. Defeated they then ask,“Umph, then what DO you eat?” So here are examples of what I may eat in a day: BREAKFAST – an organic fruit & juice smoothie (no ice cream, yogurt, or chemical powders added. I use bananas to make it creamy & sweeter) – or a bowl of naturally sweetened cereal w/ vanilla almond milk – or tofu scramble w/ veggie bacon & naturally sweetened waffles w/ REAL maple syrup (not maple flavored corn syrup) LUNCH – an avocado sandwich on gluten-free bread w/ plenty of organic lettuce, tomatoes, red onions, pickles, & sprouts w/ a bag of kettle chips – or a large fresh salad of lots of chopped organic produce w/ homemade vinaigrette dressing or non-dairy Goddess dressing – or a Portobello mushroom burger... ![]() As a sistah from Inglewood, I’m often asked how I can dare pass up fried chicken, neck bones, or that plump turkey on the holidays. I’ve been hesitant to post this because there’s no quick way to answer. So alas here’s the story… When I was 7 years old my mom’s friend was a vegetarian & she seemed super cool to me. Years later, my 9th grade health teacher was vegetarian & she was extremely energetic. Because of these 2 women, I’ve been very interested in the importance of maintaining optimal health. So at the age of 14, I stopped eating red meat. Like many Americans, I really thought a diet of poultry & seafood was Oh So Healthy, so I ate this way for years. But for some reason I couldn’t get rid of a lil pouch on my belly no matter how much I exercised. In 1999, as I began to study holistic healing, I learned some amazing facts. Even chicken & fish are harmful because human beings were not designed to be carnivores. Our teeth & intestines prove that. And our poor health confirms it! Did you know?... Thanksgiving is this week, and as you know, I don't eat turkey. And after years of going to other people's gatherings and being offered a plate of iceberg lettuce for dinner, I decided I'd better cook my own grub. So in 2005, I started hosting an annual vegan Thanksgiving buffet at my house, to which hippies and meat-eaters show up and enjoy!
An easy way to "veganize" YOUR favorite holiday dish is to simply substitute all the meat and dairy ingredients for alternatives like soy meat, vanilla almond milk, and Daiya cheese. Try it. It's a delicious way to stay in shape during the holidays! (pictured above: my smothered Tofurky with mixed potatoes, BBQ chik-un, maple candied yams, vegan mac&cheese, stir fried collard greens, and warm dinner rolls) |
Author"EAT CLEAN WITH TANJAREEN" Twitter: @tanjareenArchives
February 2016
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